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Shoulder Your Spring Cleaning

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Shoulder Your Spring Cleaning

Local physical therapist provides signs and symptoms for identifying shoulder pain in need of treatment

Many people attack their yearly spring cleaning ritual in the spring months. With thousands thawing from winter’s cold, there are bound to be some sore, stiff muscles. The National Safety Council reports that approximately 21 million people visit the emergency room as a result of home injuries. One of the most common complaints is shoulder pain.

“Typically we see a lot of shoulder complaints and injuries in the spring months", said Kristin Kissling, CPRS Physical Therapist in New Holland, PA. “Spring cleaning involves a lot of over-the-head motion and lifting that results in pain and discomfort for some. We commonly treat shoulder impingement. Basically it’s the result of a sudden spike in use of a shoulder joint that is under-exercised or under-utilized.”

As your activity levels increase with the onset of spring weather, be aware of the signs and symptoms associated with shoulder impingement including:

  • Pain with pushing, pulling, or carrying heavy objects
  • Pain when performing an overhead activity
  • Pain during or after exercise
  • Fear of putting the shoulder in certain positions
  • Clicking and popping sensations with movement
  • Weakness when performing athletic movements, especially overhead and away from the body
  • Loss of performance ability in sport activities
  • Fatigue with repetitive activity

“Many people ignore or discount the common complaints that come with shoulder impingement. Rather than living with limited mobility and shoulder pain, I encourage people to consult with their local physical therapist for personalized treatment plans,” says Kissling. “Lack of attention to the pain could lead to more serious problems such as rotator cuff tears. Proper treatment is crucial.” CPRS Physical Therapy does not require a physician’s referral and is an expert in shoulder pain treatment and preventative exercise programs. For more information, please visit

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